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The children´s song - by Josh Garrels

The children´s song - by Josh Garrels
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/1tBHEfRW0yY?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Down on my knees
Praying please have mercy now
Christ my shelter
in a world that tries to drag me down

Open your heart
Open your mind
Open up your soul
Jesus come in and make a broken man whole

Carried the cross
Carried the pain
Carried the love
We don't belong here but to the Father above

Jesus in heaven and Jesus in hell below
Payed for our sin
Broken body with the red blood flow

Rise up in glory
Raise your hands to the risen king
He's god almighty
Listen to his children sing let them sing

Hallelujah to our king
Hallelujah ruler over everything
Let them sing
Hallelujah to our king
Hallelujah, ruler over everything

In this world you will have trouble
But Jesus overcame the world
And our body is His temple
We will worship forever more
yeah ah


Schreib auch du einen Kommentar
vertrauen2015 02.12.2017 11:00
........................In this world you will have trouble

But Jesus overcame the world
And our body is His temple
We will worship forever more


danke @babblefröhliches Smiley
vertrauen2015 02.12.2017 11:02
Was ist denn das ? Komisch 
babblegabble 02.12.2017 12:48
Ich grüße dich @vertrauen2015,

sieht aus wie Kauderwelsch (=unverständliche Sprachenrede) ...

Danke dir, wunderbar lachendes Smiley
babblegabble 06.07.2021 02:30
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/AEinoFv1sZQ" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Stand on the shores of a sight unseen
The substance of it dwells in me
Cause my natural eyes only go skin deep
But the eyes of my heart anchor the sea
Plumbing the depths to the place in between
The tangible world and the land of a dream
Because everything here ain't quite what it seems
There's more beneath the appearance of things
A beggar could be king within the shadows of a wing

Yeah wisdom will honor everyone who will learn
To listen to love and to pray and discern
And to do the right thing even when it burns
And to live in the light through each treacherous turn
A man is weak but the spirit yearns
To keep to the course from the bow to the stern
And to throw overboard every selfish concern
That tries to work for what can't be earned
Sometimes the only way to return is to go

Where the winds will take you
And to let go of all you cannot hold onto
For the hope beyond the blue

I sing yellow and gold as the new day dawn
Like a virgin unveiled who waited so long
To dance and rejoice and to sing her song
And rest in the arms of a love so strong
No one comes unless they're drawn
By the voice of desire that leads em' along
To the redemption of what went wrong
By the blood that covered the innocent one
No more separation between us

So lift your voice just one more time
If there's any hope may it be a sign
That everything was made to shine
Despite what you can see
So take this bread and drink this wine
And hide your spirit in the vine
Where all things work by good design
For those who will believe

And let go of all we cannot hold onto
For the hope beyond the blue

Said I'll let go of all I could not hold onto
For the hope I have in You

Songtitle: Beyond the blue
Music & words: Joshua Garrels
babblegabble 06.07.2021 03:00
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/U6csM0TLZIs" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Mhmm... yea!
Mhmm... ey-yeah-ey yeah yeah yeah mm... mhmm

Mhmm... mhmm...
Mhmm... yea! yeah
Mhmm... ey-yeah-ey yeah yeah mm mm, mhm

Hey, yea-yea, yeah-eh-yeah-eh, yeah-eh-yeah-eh
Hey hey-yea-eh yeah, mhmm

Professional or beginner doesnt matter
Every sinner is a prisoner in a body that is subject to time
Now my entwined mind tries to form a straight line
Not like twised scoliosis of the spinal chord

Cross eyed carpenters are cuttin' crooked lines
Can't construct
Man-made shrines when the winds and the water move sands of time

Many minds on a deadline, yet live life like a live wire
I'm not tired!
Of blood and fire
Spirit's moving higher than the green grass ever lifted me

Spirit's moving higher...
Than anything else ever lifted you
Mm, see

We got spirituality
It's living in us like one in three
Injustice is concerning me
In the non-linear eternity
I'm speaking paradoxically
But you can nod your head now when you understand me-e-e-ee...

This is for my free men
Whose backs wont bend in the lions den
Now with their eyes on the ending

This is for my free women!
They fight with their love
The bearers of our children

Free men whose backs wont bend in the lions den
Now with their eyes on the ending

This is for my free women!
They fight with their love
The bearers of our children

We shine like lights exposing
What lies underneath decomposing
Unearth those chains that are rusted
My sweet Lord, is that what i trusted in?
That sin? That tomfoolery? Ugh!
What it is is mental jewelery that I adorned myself with

The enemy's gifts, the man-made myths, the ignorant bliss
Of marijuana spliffs and alchoholic fifths
I got so sick and tired of it

Delivered and redeemed
By christ I mean
It's time to start livin'
And get a reason for the rhyme

I dont wanna be dead-wrong on the deadline
Standing on the dark side and all out of time...
Like a blind pantomime's fantasize
Climb up his own ladder to the sunshine

Nothin's mine
That hasn't been given
No one's alive here
That hasn't been risen
For 19 years i was trapped in a prison

Feeding my escape by means of derision
But every man-made attempt just failed
When trapped in a jail
Of my own guilt, shame, and iniquity

I was looking for freedom
How'd I find freedom?

Oh! Oh, freedom...
From all of this

He said believe
He said believe

Who are you telling me to belei-e-eve... yea
'Said I'm the Christ

...he said I'm the Christ
So I believed.

Mhmm... yea
Mhmm... ey!
Mhmm... ey-yeah-ey yeah yeah yeah eh, mhmm

Mhmm... Hey! No, no no
Mhmm... yea!
Mhmm... Yea ey-yeah-ey yeah yeah mhm,

Title: Freedom
Lyre: Josh Garrels

Music: Josh Garrels
Wooten Kelvin 
Hamilton Anthony Cornelius
Boynton Elayna Lajean
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