Early Christianity and its significance for Seventh-day Adventist theologyEarly Christianity and its
05.07.2022 12:01
Early Christianity and its significance for Seventh-day Adventist theologyEarly Christianity and its
05.07.2022 12:01
Early Christianity and its significance for Seventh-day Adventist theologyEarly Christianity and its
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(Nutzer gelöscht) 05.07.2022 12:22
These so called significance is only constructed
Schaul1967 05.07.2022 12:33
Qoute in the Article
There is a definite need to find an improved Biblical approach to the issue of Israel and the Church in our Adventist theology. This approach should be such that it would neither belittle the people of Israel, Jewish culture and the Hebrew Bible, nor would it attempt to belittle other nations. At the same time, this approach would strengthen the Adventist position in key Biblical areas such as the Law and the prophecy discussed in this article.
There is a definite need to find an improved Biblical approach to the issue of Israel and the Church in our Adventist theology. This approach should be such that it would neither belittle the people of Israel, Jewish culture and the Hebrew Bible, nor would it attempt to belittle other nations. At the same time, this approach would strengthen the Adventist position in key Biblical areas such as the Law and the prophecy discussed in this article.
(Nutzer gelöscht) 05.07.2022 12:48
We are interested in Jesus Christ, our savior, what sort of necessarity can old Isreal offer to you... It may be a little interesting to read this article, in order to discover roots of our religion, based on the old Israelites.. But never Mose nor Abraham went to the cross, only to save us, from our sins!!
(Nutzer gelöscht) 05.07.2022 12:48
We are interested in Jesus Christ, our savior, what sort of necessarity can old Isreal offer to you... It may be a little interesting to read this article, in order to discover roots of our religion, based on the old Israelites.. But never Mose nor Abraham went to the cross, only to save us, from our sins!!
(Nutzer gelöscht) 05.07.2022 12:59
I might to assume that Jews of STA have tried to retain most of their rituals under the guise of a so called "Christian" denomination.
(Nutzer gelöscht) 05.07.2022 13:15
Sorry, two times