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Ellel Grange 5 May – 7 July 2007

The closer I was drawn to God the more I found how dirty inside me.
So every day I struggled with my self. From some demons was I light,
but it was steel in me a lot of damage being. First of all, I needed to deal
with a lot of pain and rejection that damaged my life.
I was here to find all the broken pieces just like a puzzle.
Even though I met so many Christians here, I felt loneliness.
It was so wonderful to become a hack from sisters here. I love it.
I had serious problem to build relationships with others because my English was very poor.
Since 1995 I moved to Germany and I didn’t speak German,
so it’s hardly to find friends or had opportunity to talk to people.
So, it’s hardly for me to have deeper conversation with others.
I only can communicate on spirit or body level.

I tray here painting and pottery.
I heat so long the clay till I could do anything with this.
Now I can God better understand what he do with me.
My first vase was very good.

Every Saturday we go to trip see more from this beauty country.
Example, I was there what Little John fight with Robin Hood.
We live here in a little beautiful castle with great garden.
I can see here ducks, swans, sheep, pheasant, many beards and squirrels,
Sometimes also deer.
Calves come to me all if I pray or sing in tongs. They stand in row like my solders.
Some times I walk along canal among monkey tree, cedars, oak, sycamore,
chile pine, corsican pine, giant sequoia(live to 4000 years, It is very soft
and we name it anger tree) beautiful flowers and green woods and yachts.
My anger I put to God on anger tree. I kick and heat it.

I could here die for my self yet, what I could not do since 12 years.
I hate sin and enemy. I never know God as my Father, and I learn now him to knew.
I want obedience him totally. He is steel hidden for me, but he gave me promise I can find him.
I can not hear him yet because my mind belong not in 100% to him,
but I can first time in my live asleep here quick and sleep only 4 bis 6 hour and I am fit.

Us cook feed us very well but I can see here very seldom: bread, potatoes, rice, meat.
After first week I was so hungry and also so angry that I wanted bead up the cook.
Just only my German friends told me that it are carbohydrate from I surely must be addicted.
When I understand it I told to my soul: you become no more any breakfast any dessert.
Under steel keeping anointing, God’s word and prayer that long time I explored
that my hands shaking is not God’s gift that recognize God’s presence.
Now not only my hands are shaking. I am all shaking specially during worship
or anointing but I knew that it is the enemy in me. He has legal right
because of my pain that I pushed it down through so many years chiefly of rejection.
But God almighty is my redeemer and what he began he will also fulfilled.
I knew I will here clean vessel and ready for any ministry
but first of all I must him knew, knew his ways, his glory, hear his voice
and come at last to his present where deep call the deep.

I bought no return fly ticket, because I known not what God will I should do after this course.
I hope I will hear him until this time point. I want not come back to the computers.
I will full ministry for him. I can do next 9 week school – second level.
I have no many, no car, my computer crash 1 day before I come here, my wristwatch stopped 1 day after I come here. Only what I have are the debts. But how I can be minister to other when I do not like people? I love God and I think I love people but I lack of patience to hear them some empty speech. I ask God that he give me compassion to people.

In the first week I told to my group that I have problem with some strong men.
God exposed to me what kind of demons are there.
Sadly that counsellors who I meet either did not believe me or ware scare to help me.
I spoke about it with my friend. He told me that I am special and I need somebody with big muscles. I cried to God and He gave to me nice counsellors on last day.
I had huge manifestations. A lot of demons left my body and some strong men too.
What I felt was that all demons left totally my body, but some strong men moved
to my left half of brain. It was pain there and I could only moving like robot with stiff neck.
I want go to Benny Hinn conference here in London and Berlin if counsellors in Pierepont
Don’t help me.

One of my breakthrough was when my dance teacher by saying good-bye to me:" she kissed my hands".
I could not believe!!! Never woman kissed my hands before.
I felt not worry and some thing cracked in me!
Another one we had to say some compliments words about everyone and write it down.
I could see only not good things in all of us on the beginning of this course.
God changed me and I could see at last some good things in people’s life.
All people said many compliments that every one could see.
I asked God to let me see one good thing in each of us witch is so small,
that this person self do not recognize it. It was not easy, but I was very enjoyed.
It was for me like finals exam on the end of this flagship school.


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(Nutzer gelöscht) 12.04.2018 13:02
Was ist das hier?
Ein Zeugnis von 2007?

Wäre schön, wenn das jemand übersetzen könnte...................
princei 14.04.2018 15:34
Pirepont 7 – 22 July 2007:

Here in Pirepont is very beauty place. It is much more big like University City.
And no holex!!! There are lovely swimming pool and trampoline, where I spend a lot of time with the Lord. I could also here like in Grange see 2 young deer in the first day. Before the second term started yet on Sunday I come to the little baptist church where also come a young evangelist. Jesus so touched my heart there that I was crying during all sermons. He touches my heart every day and reveals his glory to me. He exposes his heart to me more and more. I knew that he not only can heal me and that he is able to do this but also he is willing to do this! I knew he has wonderful plan for me and I am still looking for his presence. I decide on this term that I do not spend much time with people here but rather I want every free time give to him.

I do not want frighten you my friends but I think you should knew that we all can lost us deliverance und healing. If anybody want knew how we can keep what we received from Jesus, I can send to him audio teaching.

Pam and Daniel told to me this evening that I must leave term2. It is maybe my last teaching day today. I have no many to pay for this term and Pirepont want not give me loan or opportunity to work here after it. I say good-bye to you all. I love you, If we do not meet us in this world, I am sure we meet us in the heaven.
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