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How to promote the Bible and share the Gospel to Scientists/ Agnostics and other people in your comp

How to promote the Bible and share the Gospel to Scientists/ Agnostics and other people in your comp
It is not politically correct to talk about the Bible or share about salvation, but there are ways, to do it in a safe way. Tested it on the company Intranet and it worked well. Here, what I wrote... you can modify according to your circumstances.

Analytics, Digital and Algorithms – Decoding the Book of Life
When you work in digital (like I do) you deploy analytics, think in probabilities, recognize patterns and use data & logic to draw conclusions that solve tough business problems or delight customers ahead of your competition.
One book in particular has challenged the brightest minds throughout the ages is the Jewish Tanakh and New Testament (in short Holy Bible).
Archeologists, historians, scientists, mathematician, philosophers, business people and leaders all took their own approaches throughout the ages to challenge its words & claims, test/ confirm its accuracy and debate its wisdom. People from all walks of life who serious studied and examined, came to the conclusion: This book is truly unique. It is a master piece of systematic structure, logic, algorithmic patterns confirming and mathematically proving itself. Its universal truth & principles work for everybody regardless of being religious or not.
Its thoughts lay the success for organization, leadership, management, teamwork, problem solving, coaching, role modelling, relationship building, business, family and personal development. And all is written within historical, archeologic, verifiable, astonishing accuracy. It not only applies to the past, but also contains predictions that still are coming true.
When I lived in China I was puzzled to see writings of the Yellow Emperor Huangdi (founding father of the Chinese people/ history who reigned until 2597 before the birth of Christ). His writings of creation of the world was clearly identical with the first book of Moses in the Jewish Tanakh. If it is impossible that both authors had met, who told them both? If you study Chinese language (like I did), you even will recognize that the very world creation story is still contained in the individual traditional Chinese characters. https://students.washington.edu/cbsf/cool/Chinese.swf Who guided the evolvement of the Chinese language across many kingdoms, regional rulers and ethnic groups throughout hundreds of years and preserved its content?
When the Nazis came to power in 1933 in Germany, Hitler, Goebels, Himmler and others ridiculed the Bible. They knew the prophecies of the Jewish Tanakh and the New Testament that stated that Jews would become a nation again in the promised land. At that time, everything indicated that the Jews persecuted throughout centuries would be finally eradicated in concentration camps and gas chambers. People that still believed in the Bible, like Richard Wurmbrand, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Wilhelm Busch, etc. went to prison, died or suffered severely.
But the Nazis were very wrong. Against all odds Israel became a state again in May 14, 1948 as predicted by the prophet Ezekiel over 2500 year before. Never in the world history had people, chased from their homeland and dispersed across the world achieved. Interestingly, the same prediction tells that the same generation that the founding of the state of Israel had seen would also see the return of the Messiah or Jesus Christ (as Christians call him) with major world crisis and catastrophes proceeding the coming.
In 1995 when I got my MBA in the USA, I was first introduced to the Jewish Tanakh and New Testament of Bible. Relating with women was my main passion at that time, but I could not deny the logic and principles of the Bible. I analyzed how violating key principles had undermined good things for me and even cost former friends’ lives. If there was a code for life success, I wanted it and I started reading.
My first embarrassing moment came soon. I told a very smart, beautiful Indian fellow student that in the book of Revelations in the New Testament was written that one day people would get microchips in the hand or forehead and that without it, they would not be able to sell and buy or function in the society (August 1995). She ridiculed me to scorn (and I missed the opportunity to win her as my girl-friend). “Alex, common be serious, you believe that nonsense?” she asked. “Why would a person voluntarily put a chip his/ her hand?”.
20 years later you see videos on YouTube that people operate electronic devices with implants in their hands. Governments push for mandatory chip implants to reduce health care costs (such as President Obama in the USA) and the trend is to replace cash & identity cards with implants. How could the Apostle John predict such events about 2000 years in advance?
It seems that there are clear algorithms, warnings, promises and success principles in the Bible. Anyone can take advantages of those regardless of religion, nationality, gender, ethnicity, education and income. The famous bestseller book “The seven habits of successful people”, by Steven Covey who distilled key principles from the Jewish Tanakh and New Testament (Bible) is a good, practical example. And Steven was arguably not a Jew or Christian… https://www.stephencovey.com/about/about.php
I have seen these sustainable principles work across cultures and countries in business and personal life. To some extent I could also apply those in China, Africa and Europe to drive business and corporate culture transformation across major multi-national companies.
Interestingly, the success principles work for all people, even to those who are totally agnostic (do not believe in any God). Like in Physics where is the law of action & reaction, there seems to be universal laws that cannot be broken. The law of gravity and affects of radioactivity, for example, work for all people regardless whether know about them or believe in them. Successful people use biblical principles to their advantage, while many ignore those and face disadvantages.
The “4 spiritual laws”, famous as one of the most published materials with far over a billion copies and translated in hundreds of languages offers an effective (although religiously biased) entrance key and summary to the principles/ promises of the Bible. http://www.4laws.com/laws/languages.html
I invite you to decipher the code, algorithms and principles of the Jewish Tanakh and New Testament of the Bible for yourself. It sharpens the mind, challenges preconceived thinking and opens new ways for brainstorming and creativity. It gains even increasing value and relevance in the digital age we live in.
Let us not get religion in the way to take advantage of something that is truly remarkable and which can bring practical success in work and life!


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(Nutzer gelöscht) 13.11.2016 13:16
Das Buch macht mich neugierig, Danke!
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