weiße TaubeChrist sucht Christ Logo ohne Taube

also keine Sorge

also keine Sorge
Everybody talks about a new world in the morning.
A new world in the morning so they say.
I, myself don't talk about a new world in the morning.
A new world in the morning, that's today.

And I can feel a new tomorrow comin' on.
And I don't know why I have to make a song.
Everybody talks a bout a new world in the morning.
New world in the morning takes so long.

I met a man who had a dream he had since he was twenty.
I met that man when he was eighty-one.
He said too many people just stand and wait up til the mornin',
Don't they know tomorrow never comes.

And he would feel a new tomorrow coming on.
And when he'd smile his eyes would twinkle up in thought.
Everybody talks about a new world in the morning.
New world in the morning never comes.

And I can feel a new tomorrow coming on.
And I don't know why I have to make a song.
Everybody talks about a new world in the morning.
New world in the morning takes so long.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/XgjdVf1mhr4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Schreib auch du einen Kommentar
calando 09.05.2014 14:39
what´s the name of that "marke"?
(Nutzer gelöscht) 09.05.2014 17:38
Ein tolles Lied vom jungen Roger Withaker...
Ich finde es romantisch, auch wenn ich den Text nicht ganz verstehe...
Mein Englisch ist lückenhaft.
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