Dieser Song im Eingangspost handelt von dem Geheimnis und der Schönheit des Kreuzes - und der Hoffnung, die in der Endgültigkeit dessen liegt, was Jesus durch seinen Tod und seine Auferstehung für uns getan hat.
Great are You Lord and greatly to be praised, given great heart-thanks unto You!
🙌 💗 The Cross Has Spoken ...
12.11.2024 10:10
🙌 💗 The Cross Has Spoken ...
12.11.2024 10:10
🙌 💗 The Cross Has Spoken ...
by Graham Kendrick & Lucy Grimble - Live at Winston Chapel
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babblegabble 12.11.2024 10:17
You bared your wrists to the nails
Your brow to the thorns
Surrendered, gave it all
Took the cup to your lips
And drank to the dregs
The judgement meant for me
Oh the deep deep love
Oh the cleansing blood
Mercy measureless and free
O be still and know, that all is well the cross has spoken
Your body laid in the grave
Three dark silent days
As earth and heaven mourned
But the love of that crossIs stronger than death
You rose to life again
Curse to blessings turn
Thorns to flowers bloom
Sin and death are led in chains
So be still and know, that all is well
The cross has spoken
The cross has spoken
Oh, the cross has spoken
So here I lay down my shame
My pride and my pain
Surrender, leave it all
One with You I have died
With You I will rise
To everlasting day
Oh the deep, deep love
Oh the cleansing blood
Mercy measureless and free
O be still my soul, for all will be well
The cross has spoken
Woah, the cross has spoken
The cross has spoken
Oh, the cross has spoken
Oh, the cross has spoken
Songwriter: Graham Kendrick, Lucy Naomi Grimble
You bared your wrists to the nails
Your brow to the thorns
Surrendered, gave it all
Took the cup to your lips
And drank to the dregs
The judgement meant for me
Oh the deep deep love
Oh the cleansing blood
Mercy measureless and free
O be still and know, that all is well the cross has spoken
Your body laid in the grave
Three dark silent days
As earth and heaven mourned
But the love of that crossIs stronger than death
You rose to life again
Curse to blessings turn
Thorns to flowers bloom
Sin and death are led in chains
So be still and know, that all is well
The cross has spoken
The cross has spoken
Oh, the cross has spoken
So here I lay down my shame
My pride and my pain
Surrender, leave it all
One with You I have died
With You I will rise
To everlasting day
Oh the deep, deep love
Oh the cleansing blood
Mercy measureless and free
O be still my soul, for all will be well
The cross has spoken
Woah, the cross has spoken
The cross has spoken
Oh, the cross has spoken
Oh, the cross has spoken
Songwriter: Graham Kendrick, Lucy Naomi Grimble
babblegabble 14.11.2024 08:38
Guten Morgen,
bei evtl. Hörinteresse poste ich gerne eines meiner Lieblingssongs von Lucy Grimble und Bianco Rose, live at Burgess Barn.
bei evtl. Hörinteresse poste ich gerne eines meiner Lieblingssongs von Lucy Grimble und Bianco Rose, live at Burgess Barn.
babblegabble 14.11.2024 08:40
... wie gut zu wissen in allen Turbulenzen im Leben und Glauben, den rasanten Entwicklungen des Zeit- und Kriegsgeschehens, dass der Herr Jesus sagt:
Matthäus 11,
28 Kommt her zu mir alle, die ihr mühselig und beladen seid, so will ich euch erquicken!
29 Nehmt auf euch mein Joch und lernt von mir, denn ich bin sanftmütig und von Herzen demütig; so werdet ihr Ruhe finden für eure Seelen!
30 Denn mein Joch ist sanft und meine Last ist leicht.
Liebe Blogleser,
seid gestärkt, getröstet und himmlisch umarmt in Christus Jesus, unserem Herrn, amen!
Herz & Smile
Barbara 🙂
Matthäus 11,
28 Kommt her zu mir alle, die ihr mühselig und beladen seid, so will ich euch erquicken!
29 Nehmt auf euch mein Joch und lernt von mir, denn ich bin sanftmütig und von Herzen demütig; so werdet ihr Ruhe finden für eure Seelen!
30 Denn mein Joch ist sanft und meine Last ist leicht.
Liebe Blogleser,
seid gestärkt, getröstet und himmlisch umarmt in Christus Jesus, unserem Herrn, amen!
Herz & Smile
Barbara 🙂
Gnade und Friede von unserem Abba, Vater; Freude sowie Vertrauen in Gott und die Kraft Gottes in Christus Jesus für unser aller Herz und Denken, amen!