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🟣 ... Hold me Savior

🟣 ... Hold me Savior
written by Bryan Fowler, Sandra McCracken, Skye Peterson, and Ben Shive


babblegabble 30.06.2024 13:12

Hold me Savior, lest I wander
Never let me stray
When my heart is heavy laden
help me bear the weight
May my burden bring me
Closer to Your side
Every lack that leads to worship
Is a precious prize

Hold me Savior
now and ever
Lord let Your goodness
go with me
Guide and keep me
Gently lead me
Your presence with me
is my peace

Guide me, Savior, let Your nearness,
Cheer me every hour
Show me marvels of Your mercy
wonders of Your power
By Your streams of water
Lead me through this land
Joys await me on the way
And home is near at hand

Hold me Savior
now and ever
Lord let Your goodness
go with me
Guide and keep me
Gently lead me
Your presence with me
is my peace

Keep me, Savior, to the finish
Faithful till the end
When  I’ll sing “there never was
A truer, better friend”
Through the gates of glory
Lead me all the way
There my faith will turn to sight
And prayer will turn to praise

Hold me Savior
now and ever
Lord let Your goodness
go with me
Guide and keep me
Gently lead me
Your presence with me
is my peace

Hold me Savior
now and ever
Lord let Your goodness
go with me
Guide and keep me
Gently lead me
Your presence with me
is my peace
Your presence with me
is my peace

Hold Me Savior
by Bryan Fowler, Sandra McCracken, Skye Peterson, and Ben Shive

© 2024 Getty Music Publishing (BMI), Beehive Hymns (BMI), Getty Music Hymns and Songs
babblegabble 30.06.2024 13:23
... with blessed greetings
Herz und Smile 🙂

Johannesevangelium 14, 27
Frieden hinterlasse ich euch; meinen Frieden gebe ich euch. Nicht wie die Welt gibt, gebe ich euch; euer Herz erschrecke nicht und verzage nicht!


Philipper 4, 4 ff.
4 Freut euch im Herrn allezeit; abermals sage ich: Freut euch! 
5 Eure Sanftmut laßt alle Menschen erfahren! Der Herr ist nahe! 
6 Sorgt euch um nichts; sondern in allem laßt durch Gebet und Flehen mit Danksagung eure Anliegen vor Gott kundwerden. 
7 Und der Friede Gottes, der allen Verstand übersteigt, wird eure Herzen und eure Gedanken bewahren in Christus Jesus!


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