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This is the day ...

This is the day ...
aus Psalm 118, 24
Dies ist der Tag, den der Herr gemacht hat; wir wollen uns freuen und fröhlich sein in ihm!




babblegabble 09.09.2023 11:11
This Is The Day - Pat Barrett

(with the story behind the song, and learn how to play "This Is The Day" by Pat Barrett)

babblegabble 09.09.2023 11:15
... I rejoice today about the small overwiev and listen to.
And be glad as the LORD told me to be today and everyday.

I hope, you too, dear blog-visitors!
babblegabble 09.09.2023 12:08
... a small addition,

I have been exploring and practicing the song guitar-wise over the morning.

Indeed, God is present in the here and now and his spirit refreshes and revives spirit, soul and also body.

A heavenly lyre!

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